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John Wallace Adams
and Nancy Evaline Potter

John Wallace Adams b 19 Jan 1873 Jewel KY d 7 Mar 1935 Burdine, Letcher Co KY; s/o George W Adams and Sarah Jane Johnson. John Wallace Adams m. 16 May 1890 Letcher Co KY to Nancy Eveline Potter (aka Carline) b 20 Aug 1872 Pike Co KY d 15 Nov 1955 Burdine, Letcher Co KY; d/o Benjamin Potter and Melvina Jane Gardner. Children of John Wallace Adams and Nancy Eveline Potter;

1. Benjamin Harrison Adams b 1889 Letcher Co KY d 1 Apr 1889; buried Ben Potter Cemetery, Burdine, Letcher Co KY

2. William Mitchell Adams b 18 Jul 1893 Burdine, Letcher Co KY d 19 Sept 1926 Norton, Wise Co VA; m. 17 Apr 1917 to Anna Belle Fields b 11 Dec 1900 Bluefield, Mercer Co WV d 30 Jun 1971 Pikeville, Pike Co KY; buried Pikeville, Pike Co KY. Children of William Mitchell Adams and Anna Belle Fields;

i. William Mitchiell Adams; buried Ben Potter Cemetery #2 Letcher Co KY

ii. Jack Dempsey Adams; m. Margie Potter

iii. Joseph Douglas Adams; m. Evelyn Tipton

iv. Wilma Ruby Adams b 11 Jan 1925 Burdine, Letcher Co KY; m. 22 Dec 1945 Baltimore Co MD to Lloyd Doffice Addington b 3 Jul 1922 Pound, Wise Co VA d 21 Oct 1994 Big Stone Gap, Wise Co VA; buried Dewey Cemetery, Pound, Wise Co VA; s/o McClellan Addington and Nancy Jane Holland. Children of Lloyd Doffice Addington and Wilma Ruby Adams;

I. Lloyd Douglas Addington; m. 25 Jul 1975 Wise Co VA to Tammy Sue Sowards; d/o David Burley Doyl Sowards and Cordelia Rose.

II. Danny Neil Addington

III. Joe Eddie Addington

IV. Carolyn Ann Addington b 1946

V. Katie Ruth Addington; m. 3 Jul 1966 Wise Co VA to Ronald W Adams

VI. Sharon Rose Addington; m. Male Dixon

VII. Theda Lynn Addington; m. 19 Jul 1974 Wise Co VA to Bobby Wayne Vanover.

VIII. Donna Faye Addington; m. Male Johnson

IX. Nancy Jo Addington b 22 Jan 1957 KY; m. 24 Jan 1975 Wise Co VA to Roy Edward Boggs b 19 Nov 1953 VA; s/o Dayton Boggs and Viorginia Ellen Deboard.

X. Anita Jane Addington b 14 Oct 1959

3. Walter Adams b abt 1894 TN; m. 19 Feb 1916 Hamilton OH to Jennie Harper b abt 1897 KY; d/o Glen Harper and Maggie Lyles. (I am not sure of this child. Birthplace TN does not add up)

4. Nathaniel Jackson N. J. Adams b 2 Jul 1896 Letcher Co KY d 12 Oct 1964 Pikeville, Pike Co KY (died at 1:00 a.m. of heart attack; buried 14 Oct 1964 Johnson Memorial Park, Pikeville, Pike Co KY; m. 6 Jun 1922 Whitesburg, Letcher Co KY to Leona Plummer b 1902 Wise Co VA d 1926; buried Potter Cemetery, Burdine, Letcher Co KY; Children of Nathaniel Jackson Adams and Leona Plummer;

i. Mildred Layne Adams; m. Milford Lane

Nathaniel Jackson Adams m. 30 Nov 1928 to (2) Maxie Branham. Children of Nathaniel Jackson Adams and Maxie Branham;

i. Glenna Sue Adams

ii. Phyllis Adams

5. Sarah Jane Adams b 25 Dec 1898 Letcher Co KY d 19 Oct 1944; buried Potter Cemetery, Burdine, Letcher Co KY; m. 22 Jun 1916 to Tilden Mullins b 7 Apr 1889 d 30 Jun 1952; buried Potter Cemetery, Burdine, Letcher Co KY. Children of Tilden E Mullins and Sarah Jane Adams;

i. Jessie Mullins (f) b 4 Mar 1917 Letcher Co KY; m. Carl Vivion Plummer b 24 May 1908 d 27 Feb 1964; buried Ben Potter Cemetery, Burdine, Letcher Co KY.

ii. Hannibal Mullins b 5 Oct 1919 Letcher Co KY d 11 Jan 1986; buried dBen Potter Cemetery #2, Letcher Co KY; m. Wanda Hill. Children of Hannibal Mullins and Wanda Hill;

I. Mary Jane Mullins b 31 Jan 1947.

iii. Harry Lee Mullins; buried Ben Potter Cemetery #2

iv. Claude E Mullins b 10 May 1927 Wise Co VA d 1 Apr 2000 Wise Co VA; buried Sanders Cemetery, Wise Co VA; m. Madeline Margaret Slemp b 1929 d 16 May 1999 Holston Valley, Kingsport TN; buried Sanders Cemetery, Wise Co VA; d/o Jessee Slemp and Carrie Ellen Sanders. Children of Claude E Mullins and Madeline Margaret Slemp;

I. Jim Mullins

II. Kathy MUllins

v. Nora Mullins b 1931 b 1931 Wise Co VA; m. 31 Dec 1951 Wise Co VA to Dennis A Cantrell b 1930 Wise Co VA. Children of Dennis A Cantrell and Nora Mullins;

I. John Wayne Cantrell b 18 Feb 1954 VA; m. 11 Jun 1978 Wise Co VA to Annie Gail McNew b 9 Sept 1959 VA

II. Michael Vaughn Cantrell 6 May 1958 VA; m. 10 Jun 1977 Wise Co VA to (1) Judy Lynn Powers. Michael Vaugh Cantrell m. 1 Aug 1992 Wise Co VA to Mollie Grace Turner b 1 Apr 1967 VA

III. Ronnie Eugene Cantrell b 30 Dec 1955 VA; m. 20 Jul 1974 Wise Co VA to Rebecca Lane b 26 Aug 1955 VA.

vi. Betty Jane Mullins b 1935; m. 4 Nov 1952 Dickenson Co VA to Thelmer Lee Cantrell b 1933. Children of Thelmer Lee Cantrell and Betty Jane Mullins;

I. Norma Carol Cantrell; m. 25 Jan 1985 Wise Co VA to Gerald Thacker b 5 Apr 1952 Wise Co VA; s/o John Axlie Thacker and Eula Minnix.

6. Florence Adams b 28 Apr 1901 Letcher Co KY d 17 Oct 1987; buried Adams Cemetery, Burdine, Letcher Co KY; m. 9 Jun 1922 to Jonah Edward Beverly b 21 Aug 1893 Dickenson Co VA d 22 Sept 1922; s/o Nathan Elijah Beverly and Minerva Mullins. Children of Jonah Edward Beverly and Florence Adams;

i. Jonah Edward Beverly Jr

Florence Adams m. Russell M Swindall b 12 Mar 1896 d 29 Nov 1983 Norton, Wise Co VA; buried Letcher Co KY; s/o Mahlon Roberts Swindall and Nancy Elizabeth Moore. Children of Russell M Swindall and Florence Adams;

i. Betty Jean Swindall; m. (1) Conley Smith. Children of Conley Smith ad Betty Jean Swindall;

I. Conley Smith Jr

II. Tony Smith

Betty Jean Swindall m. (2) Thelmer Colley Jr.

ii. Ronald Carl Ronnie Swindall b 9 Feb 1935; m. Margaret Ann Lawson b 14 Jun 1934. Children of Ronald Carl Ronnie Swindall and Margaret Ann Lawson;

I. Russell Swindall b 6 Sept 1957

II. Jeffrey Swindall b 21 Nov 1959

7. John Wallace Adams Jr b 1903 Letcher Co KY d 1968; buried Johnson Memorial Cemetery, Pikeville, Pike Co KY; m. 19 Dec 1928 to Edna Morrison. Children of John Wallace Adams Jr and Edna Morrison;

i. Jeanette Adams; m. Pete Hurt.

John Wallace Adams m. 30 Nov 1933 to (2) Lakey Templeton. Children of John Wallace Adams and Lakey Templeton;

i. Mary Jane Adams.

8. Lee Adams b 5 Sept 1905 Letcher Co KY d 10 Jan 1956 Pike Co KY; of a heart attack; age 50 years 4 months 5 days; buried Potter Cemetery, Burdine, Letcher Co KY; m. Lovely Irvin. Children of Lee Adams and Lovelee Irvin;

i. John Wallace Adams

ii. Emma Evelyn Adams; m. John Henry Smith

iii. Tina Kay Adams; m. Ben Donaldson

9. Belva Elizabeth Adams b 17 Nov 1908 Letcher Co KY d 29 Nov 1925

10. Verna Adams b 4 Jul 1911 Letcher Co KY d 14 Sept 1995; m. 5 Sept 1929 to Russell Johnson Sr b 30 Nov 1904 Long Fork, Pike Co KY d 7 Feb 1972 Letcher Co KY; buried Johnson Memorial Cemetery, Pikeville, Pike Co KY. Children of Russell Johnson and Verna Adams;

i. Russell Johnson Jr b 24 Feb 1932 Regina, Pike Co KY; m. 29 Oct 1955 to (1) Patricia Ann Logsdon b 1932 d 1974; buried Johnson Memorial Cemetery, Pikeville, Pike Co KY. Children of Russell Johnson Jr and Patricia Ann Logsdon;

I. Cherry Lynn Johnson b 30 Nov 1956

II. Michael Adams Johnson b 24 Sept 1958

Russell Johnson Jr m. (2) Mona Newsome. Children of Russell Johnson Jr and Mona Newsome;

I. Christopher Barry Johnson

11. Thelma Adams b 9 Jan 1914 Letcher Co KY d 1965; buried Johnson Memorial Cemetery, Pikeville, Pike Co KY; m. William Ratliff d 1972; buried Johnson Memorial Cemetery, Pikeville, Pike Co KY. Children of William Ratliff and Thelma Adams;

i. Susie Ratliff b 26 Dec 1939 Letcher Co KY d 27 Dec 1939 Letcher Co KY; buried Ben Potter Cemetery #2, Letcher Co KY

ii. Don Roger Ratliff; m. Frances Rasnick. Children of Don Roger Ratliff and Frances Rasnick;

I. Donna Lynn Ratliff; buried Johnson Memorial Cemetery, Pikeville, Pike Co KY

II. Jeffery Michael Ratliff.

iii. John Wallace Ratliff; m. Paula Butcher.

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